The Struggle Of Life

It just doesn’t give a break does it?

Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2023


Every time you pick yourself up and muster up some courage to do something meaningful you get to a point after which you’re not able to move ahead right?

After the initial enthusiasm you arrive to the same question you did every time, “What Next?”.

Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

You come to a crossroad with your choices pointing opposite directions.

Something like the above picture right?

Well trust me, you aren’t the first person to be there and you won’t be the last either. I was in that position myself not too long ago. And the people who are in that position, don’t worry you’ll have made your choice before you know it.

See the thing is when a person is in such a position, it often becomes enormously difficult to draw a line between the way you want to go and the way you don’t want to.

The Human mind I would say has a certain affinity for confusion. Even simple choices seem to put your mind into confusion. To make my point clear let me give you a example, Imagine a deer spots a tiger coming for it, what choices does it have? Only 2, either stay and die or run and save its life. The deer chooses to run in a a few seconds doesn’t it? It doesn’t wait around and keep thinking for a long time and put its brain into confusion. It acts before its too late.

And that's exactly what you should do, make quick but meaningful decisions. Do not take life changing decisions out of temporary feelings. Think before you act ,think quick and think smart. Clear your mind and focus on what you want. Give yourself some time but not too much, collect your thoughts in one place and honestly talk to yourself.

Once you make up your mind on which path or decision to take it’s done. Don’t think about it further and exhaust yourself. Sure, suggestions or improvements are always welcome but if you’ve already made the decision to be on the safe side you should stick to the decision you made. Too much overthinking can undo all the progress you made and bring you back to square one.

So that’s all I have to say. I wish I could say more and give more detail but that's all I can think of right now.

So that’s it hope you liked it. See you soon!

